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Discussion with Claire, AFP

45 minutes

With: Claire Brochen

AFP Stories product demo

15 minutes

Make an appointment with us for a demonstration.

With: AFP Stories

Your favourite production partner for documentaries: Join AFP at Sunny Side of the Doc!

30 minutes

Whether you are a broadcaster, a distributor, a content creator or a producer, schedule a time slot to talk to our teams and find out how we can help you with your projects.

With: Timothee Laroche and Héléna Ghis

AFP News training

30 minutes

Please find a time that works best for you to discuss about your AFP News experience.

With: Marie Abraham

Votre partenaire de production pour les documentaires - Rejoignez l'AFP au Sunny Side of the Doc !

30 minutes

Que vous soyez diffuseur, distributeur, créateur de contenu ou producteur, prenez rendez-vous avec nos équipes et découvrez comment nous pouvons vous aider dans vos projets.

With: Julie Leplus, Nicolas Ernoult, Laurence Lepretre and 1 other

World News Media Congress 2024

30 minutes

Are you looking for effective ways to connect with a diverse audience, especially the youth, in this era where engagement and accurate information are crucial? ​Let’s exchange about how to make a lasti...

With: Nicolas Giraudon and Sophie Jullien-Rapp

Meet AFP team at Collission Toronto

30 minutes

David Millikin, AFP's North America Sales and Marketing Director, and his team will be on-site to introduce AFP's unique, fact-checked multimedia content.

With: David Millikin

Reunión Agence France-Presse

30 minutes

With: Maria Sarroca

Meet AFP Team in North America

30 minutes


Meet AFP Team in MENA

15 minutes

With: Gilbert Khayat

Talk with our team

30 minutes

With: Jhalak Srivastava

Talk to our team

30 minutes

With: Loïc Bour

Meet AFP Team in France

30 minutes

With: Florent ZADRI

Meet AFP Team in Europe

30 minutes


Meet AFP Team in Germany

30 minutes

With: Philippe Meyer

Meeting with AFP News marketing team

45 minutes

In French or in English

With: Marie Abraham and Claire Brochen

Discussion with Claire from AFP

45 minutes

With: Claire Brochen